Aaron Green
Aaron Green was born and raised in Tucson, AZ. He graduated from Salpointe Catholic High School and studied at the University of Arizona, earning his degree in Political Science. During his undergraduate studies, Aaron was fortunate to have studied in Spain for his final semester and then traveled Europe for an additional two months.
Aaron attended law school at Arizona State University (now the Sandra Day O’Connor School of Law). He earned a number of academic honors including membership in law review as an Associate Editor of the Arizona State Law Journal.
After graduating from law school in 1999, Aaron and several business partners opened a mortgage company. Aaron was instrumental in growing the company from a dozen employees to over one hundred. The company had three locations and funded hundreds of millions of dollars in loans. During his time in the mortgage business, Aaron was a licensed Attorney, a licensed Mortgage Broker and a licensed California Real Estate Broker.
For the past several years, Aaron has concentrated on the full time practice of law. During that time, Aaron was a senior “Hotline Attorney” for the Arizona Association of REALTORS providing legal advice and written legal opinions to real estate agents throughout the state. He served on numerous expert panels regarding real estate issues and taught continuing education classes to both attorneys and real estate agents. Aaron continues to teach CE classes to real estate agents.
Aaron is married with two children. The Green Family enjoys travel, the beach, attending sporting events and spending time with family and friends